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Showing posts from June, 2019

Civil Service Exam Requirements and Qualifications 2020

Lots of people are surely preparing for the Civil Service exams that are set to be administered in 2019. The CSC conducts several eligibility and non-eligibility exams annually. Each usually gathers lots of takers. The Civil Service Examination (CSE) is open to anyone as long as you follow the certain requirements required for the application. The exam is being hold twice a year. So, you have a lot of time to be prepared and accomplish all the requirements needed. Who can take the civil service exam? Filipino citizen At least 18 years old during filing of the application No conviction of a crime involving civil service examination irregularity, illegal drugs, immoral conduct, dishonesty, or drunkenness No dismissal from military or government service Never taken the same level of civil service exam (either via PPT or COMEX) within three months prior to the examination date Note: The civil service exam didn’t require educational attainment. Even if you’re a high school g...

Smart Pasadata: Share GigaSurf data MB to Smart and TNT prepaid subscriber

Good news to all Smart and Talk N Text subscribers, you can now share or pasaload your remaining data using Pasadata to other TNT, Smart, Smart Bro prepaid subscribers. Smart Pasadata lets you pass or share your GigaSurf data MB to other Smart and TNT subscriber. It's just like pasaload, but instead of sharing regular load, you're sharing a portion of your data MB to Smart and TNT users. The PASADATA function lets you send data load with minimum of 50MB per transaction. For example, your GigaSurf 50 comes with 1GB shareable data, you can pass 50MB of its 1GB to your friends or family so you can stay both connected online! The shared data is an open access data, meaning you can access all sites and apps. Enjoy internet surfing and using your favorite apps like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Messenger, WhatsApp, Snapchat, Spotify, TikTok, Youtube, Mobile Legends, ROS and more. You can share any amount greater than 50MB as long as you still have enough data MB in your...